A Guide On Major Four Types Of Coffee Beans and Their Characteristics


The Main Types of Coffee Beans

Table of contents

• Introduction 

• Arabica Coffee Beans 

• Robusta Coffee Beans 

• Liberica Coffee Beans 

• Excelsa Coffee Beans 

• Other Coffee Varieties 

• Conclusion


You may love your coffee, but did you know that there are numerous types of coffee beans? Each type has a unique flavour, aroma, and characteristics. In this blog, let's discuss the four main types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. We'll also look at some other popular coffee varieties. So sit back, grab a cup of your favourite coffee and let's dive in!

Arabica Coffee Beans

Introduction: Coffee lovers are known to take their choice of coffee bean very seriously. Are you one of those coffee connoisseurs who prefer to stick to a particular coffee bean variety? Let us take a look at the main types of coffee beans and find out what makes them unique. Arabica Coffee Beans: Origins and History: Arabica coffee beans are the most popular coffee beans in the world, accounting for around 60% of all coffee production. These premium beans are grown in high altitudes and typically require more attention and care throughout the growing process than other coffee bean varieties. Arabica coffee beans originated in Ethiopia but are now grown all over the world. Flavour Profile and Characteristics: Arabica beans are known for their delicate and complex flavor profile, which ranges from sweet to acidic, with hints of bitterness. They are often considered to be more flavorful and nuanced compared to other varieties. If you enjoy a cup of coffee with fruity, floral or wine-like tones, then Arabica coffee beans should be your go-to choice. Growing Conditions: Arabica coffee beans require specific environmental conditions to grow properly. They typically do well in higher altitude regions with cooler temperatures and a lot of rainfall. The shade is also ideal for growing Arabica coffee beans because they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Cultivation and Harvesting: Coffee growers must maintain close attention to the Arabica coffee bushes throughout the harvesting period. The ripest cherries are carefully handpicked so as not to damage the surrounding plant. Once the cherries are harvested, they are processed to remove the pulp and then fermented to loosen the bean, which is then dried. Popular Varieties: Some popular varieties of Arabica coffee include Colombian Supremo, Ethiopian Harrar, and Costa Rican Tarrazu. Each variety has its unique taste that is defined by geographic location, growing conditions, and processing techniques. So don't be afraid to experiment with different varieties until you find your perfect cup. Arabica coffee beans are the gold standard of coffee. While they require more effort to grow, they provide a flavor profile that is unparalleled in the coffee world. So, next time you're choosing your morning coffee, choose Arabica and savor the flavors that it provides.

Robusta Coffee Beans

So you've heard of Arabica coffee beans, but have you ever given Robusta a chance? Native to sub-Saharan Africa, Robusta coffee beans are known for their high caffeine content and earthy, bitter flavor profile. They've received a bit of a bad reputation for being lower quality than Arabica beans, but hey, don't judge a bean by its cover. Robusta beans are typically grown at lower elevations than Arabica beans, and they're generally easier to cultivate and harvest. That being said, they still require specific growing conditions, such as a tropical climate with high humidity and plenty of rainfall. In addition to their strong flavor, Robusta coffee beans are also popular for their crema-producing capabilities – which is good news for espresso lovers. And when it comes to popular varieties, you'll often see Robusta blended with Arabica to create a balanced flavor profile. So why not give Robusta a chance? Who knows, it might just become your new favorite bean.

Liberica Coffee Beans

Liberica coffee beans may not be as well-known as Arabica or Robusta, but they are distinctive in their own right. Originating in Liberia, they have a unique history of their own. These beans have a larger size and distinctively unique flavor profile along with woody and smoky notes that can be an acquired taste. The cultivation of Liberica coffee beans is challenging due to their susceptibility to pests and diseases. Although their popularity is not as widespread as other coffee varieties, they have a devoted following who appreciate their unique flavor and strength. With a more personalized taste compared to other varieties, Liberica is an excellent choice for those looking to try something different. Overall, Liberica coffee beans are a unique and enjoyable alternative to the more common coffee beans.

Excelsa Coffee Beans

So we've talked about Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, now let's move on to Excelsa. This coffee bean variety is not as well-known as the others, but don't let that fool you - it's just as interesting! Excelsa coffee beans are grown primarily in Southeast Asia and are often used in blends to add depth and complexity to the flavor profile. In terms of taste, Excelsa coffee is known for its fruity and tart notes, with hints of dark chocolate and floral undertones. This unique flavor profile can be attributed to the growing conditions in which the beans are cultivated - typically in areas with higher altitudes and warmer temperatures. Excelsa coffee beans are harvested by hand and processed using the dry method, in which the beans are left to dry in the sun before being sorted. While this method is more labor-intensive, it allows for more control over the quality of the beans and ultimately results in a superior product. While Excelsa coffee may not be as popular as Arabica or Robusta, it's definitely worth trying for the adventurous coffee drinker looking to explore new flavor profiles. Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite cup of joe!

Other Coffee Varieties

Other Coffee Varieties Apart from the main types of coffee beans, there are a few other varieties that are worth mentioning. Kona coffee, grown in Hawaii, is known for its smooth taste and low acidity. It is expensive due to the limited amount of cultivation space available. Hawaiian coffee, on the other hand, is known for its sweetness and fruity taste. It is an excellent option for those who find traditional coffee too bitter. Blue Mountain coffee is grown in Jamaica and is famous for its mild flavour and lack of bitterness. It is unique due to its lack of sediment, giving it a smooth texture. Geisha coffee, originally from Ethiopia, is now grown in different parts of the world. It has a floral and tea-like taste with a hint of citrus. It is one of the most expensive coffees due to its limited cultivation and high demand. While these varieties are not as popular as the main types of coffee beans, they offer a unique taste experience for those willing to try something out of the ordinary.


In conclusion, coffee is not just a drink, but a culture. Each type of coffee bean has a unique history, flavour profile, and growing conditions. Arabica and Robusta are the most commonly known coffee beans, with Arabica being superior in taste and quality. Liberica and Excelsa have their own unique characteristics and are gaining popularity in the coffee industry. Apart from these, there are many other coffee varieties that are worth trying. So, the next time you sip a cup of coffee, remember the journey it took from the farm to your cup and appreciate the diversity that coffee beans offer.

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